考虑现有高速公路过路收费系统能耗高、环境不友好等缺点,从节能减排的角度出发,设计出一套低能耗、无污染、工作安全可靠的节能型过路收费系统,整个系统由太阳能电池板提供能量,利用车辆通过系统时自身的重力势能为齿轮传动提供动力;通过有限元ANSYS软件进行力学分析,显示系统力学性能良好,且在实际实验过程中,系统平稳流畅。在同等条件下,计算分析节能型过路收费系统比传统收费系统一年内可节约电能6.91×10~7度,按每度电0.568元计算,每年可为国家带来直接经济效益3 924.88万元。
This paper designed an energy-saving toll collection system for the expressway toll gates based on the scientific theoretical calculation and verification.The energy-saving toll collection system used a novel structure,and it is safer and more reliable when compared with traditional toll collection systems which is high energy consumption and not environmental friendly.This energy-saving toll collection is also energy saving and pollution-free which is powered by solar panels.At the same time,the power for gear transmissions is from its own gravitational potential energy when vehicles go through the expressway toll gate.The mechanical analysis by ANSYS software shows great performance of the mechanical properties of this system.The system works smoothly and steady in experiment which can be popularized and applied in practice.The energy-saving toll collection system is estimated to save electrical energy about 6.91 × 107 kilowatt-hour a year when compared with traditional toll collection system under the same conditions.Therefore,it can offer economic benefits approximately 39.2488 million CNY a year based on the calculation of 0.568 CNY per kilowatt-hour.
Shanghai Highways
Expressway Toll Gate
Toll Collection System