针对Cortex CRT基带在INMARSAT标准测距过程中输出的侧音相位数据,设计一种LEOP阶段重构次侧音相位的侧音测距匹配算法。该算法用实测数据修正LEOP阶段的跟踪预报距离误差,用修正后的跟踪预报距离重构次侧音相位,然后用测量的主侧音和重构的次侧音数据解算星地距离。仿真计算与实际飞行任务结果表明,算法可以正确地解算LEOP阶段Cortex CRT基带在INMARSAT标准测距过程中的星地距离。
Based on the tone phase data of Cortex CRT BBE ranging process using INMARSAT standard, a tone ranging matching algorithm of minor tone phase data refactoring during LEOP is provided. In this method, firstly the measurement phase data are used to modify the error of the ranging prediction. Then the modified ranging prediction is used to refactor the minor tone phase data. Finally the measurement major tone phase and refactored minor tone phases are used to calculate the distance between satellite and tracking station. Simulation and flight data results show that the proposed method in this paper can calculate the distance between satellite and tracking station correctly.
Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command