针对目前临床对血压的连续测量主要采用有创的方法,本文设计通过脉搏波传导时间(PWTT,Pulse Wave Transmit Time)实现无创连续测量血压的系统。该系统通过采集光电容积脉搏波(PPG)信号和心电(ECG)信号,利用STM32控制芯片将两者信号融合,再通过算法求出特征点,拟合方程求出个体的血压。通过此方法有效实现了无创连续的血压测量。
In view of the current clinical continuous measurement of blood pressure using invasive method, the non-invasive continuous blood pressure measurement system is achieved through the pulse wave conduction time (PWTT,Pulse Transmit Time). The system collects photoplethysmography(PPG) signals and ECG signals, using STM32 chip fusion of the two signals, then the feature points is found by thealgorithm and the individual's blood pressure is calculated. The non-invasive continuous blood pressure measurement is achieved using the mothod.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems