The importance of strike slip faulting was recognized near the turn of the century. Riedel shear patterns are commonly observed in the strike slip fault systems. The basins related to Riedel shear are also documented in different tectonic settings in the world. This paper reviews the characteristics and evolution of Riedel shears in terms of mechanism of simple shear. Based on the data of the core samples at the centimeter scale and the published data about sedimentary basins in nature, the aim of this paper is to propose some patterns of sedimentary basin related to Riedel shears. Results: Three evidences show that the Riedel shear pattern is similar to the faulted basin pattern in a strike- slip fault zone. (1) The pattern of Riedel shears is not dependent on the scale observed. The extensional (transtensional) zones in the small strike-slip faults are similar to the basin distributions along large fault zone; (2) The depocenter along a fault is the same as the location of maximum fault displacement ; The basins commonly show elongated form as the faults. (3)The basins related to Riedel shears can be reproduced by physical and numerical experiments. Based on above factors, we proposed six patterns of sedimentary basin related to Riedel shears: en echelon basin, horsetail basin, beaded basin, S-type (Z-type) basin, G-type basin, and complicated lattice basin. (1) The width of en echelon basins increases with the increase of shear displacement in the principal shear zone. (2) Geometry of horsetail basins and brush basins are similar to each other. The horsetail basins are generally found in the extensional tip zones of a strike-slip fault, whereas the brush basins develop in any place in a shear zone. (3) Beaded basins are formed due to extension of releasing zones in the braided strike-slip fault. Individual basin is in the form of lenses. (4) Z-type basins are formed due to sinistral shear and S-type basins are formed due to dextral shear. (5) ξ-type basins are typic
Geological Review