目的研究医院医务人员职业暴露分布情况及构成比,为制定对策提供依据。方法调查与研究医院自2013年1月~2015年12月所有职业暴露情况,分析现状与深层次原因。结果 2013~2015年,我院医务人员职业暴露共计236例。从科室分布情况来看,外科占比达51.3%,其次是内科和妇产科。从职业来看,职业暴露主要人员为护士,占44.5%;其次为实习生,占30.1%。从暴露源分布情况来看,以乙型肝炎最为常见,其次依次是丙型肝炎、梅毒、艾滋病等。从暴露途径的分布来看,抽血和注射是主要的职业暴露原因。2013~2015年抽血和注射两项累计占比均超过50%。结论医务人员职业暴露现状依然严峻,需要加强培训教育,规范操作流程及暴露后紧急处理流程,建立完备的监控系统,从而有效降低职业暴露的发生率。
Objective To study the distribution and proportion of occupational exposure among medical staff in the hos- pital so as to provide basis for making countermeasures.Methods The occupational exposure medical staff in the hospi- tal from January 2013 to December 2015 was investigated and studied to analyze the present situation and the deep reason.Results Altogether 236 cases of occupational exposure occurred to medical staff in our hospital from 2013 to 2015.As for the distribution of occupational exposure,Department of Surgery took up 51.3%,followed by Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.Regarding the profession of medical staff, nurses suf- fered most from occupational exposure (accounting for 44.5%),followed by internships (accounting for 30.1%).As for the distribution of the source of exposure,hepatitis B was the most common one,followed by hepatitis C,syphilis,A1DS,etc.. With regard to the distribution of the route of exposure,blood drawing and injection were the main cause of occupation- al exposure, both of which cumulatively accounted for more than 50% from 2013 to 2015.Conclusion In view of the grim occupational exposure situation for medical personnel,it is of great necessity to strengthen training and education, standardize the operation process and post-exposure emergency treatment process and to establish a comprehensive monitoring system so as to effectively reduce the incidence of occupation exposure.
China Modern Medicine
Occupational exposure
Medical staff
Influencing factors
Control measures