针对于室内环境安全监测的实时、快速、便携需求,设计了基于ZigBee技术和WiFi技术相结合的环境安全监测系统,使用相应的传感器,选取CC2530芯片和内部集成WiFi模块的CC3200芯片作为处理器,采用串口转换模块,完成ZigBee协议数据和Wi Fi协议数据的转换,实现了采集数据向智能手机或笔记本电脑终端的无线传输及实时显示,可以方便的通过无线终端实时监控室内环境,具有很高的应用价值。
Being aimed at the real-time, fast and portable needs of indoor safety momtormg, a new kind of safety monitoring systems of indoor environment based on zigbee and wifi technology is designed. It makes use of some proper sensors to achieve the collecting of data. The chip of CC2530 and the chip of CC3200 are choosen as the processors. Using serial converter module complete the transformation of ZigBee protocol data and WiFi protocol data. The wireless transmission and real-time display on terminal of collection data to smartphones or laptop are accomplished.It allows us to use wireless terminals to achieve real-time monitoring of indoor environment and has a high application value.
Electronic Design Engineering