
烯效唑浸种和育苗密度对油菜毯状苗质量和植株性状的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Seed Soaking with Uniconazole and Seedling Density on Blanket-seedling Quality and Plant Traits in Rape
摘要 为培育适合机械化种植的油菜毯状秧苗,探索不同烯效唑处理浓度和育苗密度对毯状秧苗质量、成熟期植株性状及产量的影响,以‘宁杂31号’为材料分别用0(CK)、5、10、15、20 mg/L烯效唑溶液处理种子2 h后自然晾干播种,苗床育苗密度设150万、225万、300万、375万、450万株/hm25个处理。结果表明:烯效唑浸种处理后,油菜秧苗高度降低,叶片数增加,根颈变粗,根系活力增强,下胚轴缩短,地上部干重减少,地下部干重增加,有利于培育矮壮苗;增加育苗密度,秧苗增高,叶片数减少,根颈变细,根系活力下降,下胚轴伸长,地上和地下部分干重均下降,毯状秧苗质量下降;但随着烯效唑浸种浓度增加,密度对秧苗的影响明显减弱。各处理的毯状菜苗在1.2万株/hm2栽培密度下,烯效唑浸种浓度和育苗密度对油菜成熟期株高、总叶片数和主颈段长无显著影响,但烯效唑浸种处理后,单株角果数、千粒重和实收产量增加,其中以15 mg/L处理产量最高,10 mg/L和20 mg/L处理产量相当;而随着育苗密度增加,上述经济指标均有所下降。依据茬口,当需要适栽苗龄为30天时,浸种浓度为10 mg/L,育苗密度可达450万株/hm2;当需要苗龄延长到40天,浸种浓度则需增加到20 mg/L,且育苗密度应≤300万株/hm2。通过调节烯效唑浸种浓度和育苗密度可培育满足不同茬口要求的机栽毯状秧苗,实现工厂化育苗和机械化移栽。 In order to cultivate blanket rapeseed seedlings suitable for mechanized transplanting, the effects ofseed soaking with different concentrations of uniconazole and seedling densities on seedling quality, planttraits in mature period and yield were investigated using‘Ningza 31'as the material. The rapeseed was treatedwith 0(CK), 5, 10, 15, 20 mg/L uniconazole solution for 2 hours. After natural dry, seedling density was set as1.5 million, 2.25 million, 3.0 million, 3.75 million and 4.5 million plant/hm2. The results showed that after thetreatment of uniconazole, the height of rape seedling decreased, the number of leaves increased, the collarcoarsened, root vitality increased, hypocotyledonary axis shortened, overground dry weight decreased,underground dry weight increased, which was benefit to the cultivation of short and strong sprout; with theincrease of seedling density, the height of rape seedling increased, the number of leaves decreased, the collardecreased, root vitality decreased, hypocotyledonary axis extended, overground and underground part dryweight decreased, the quality of blanket- seedling decreased; however, with the increase of uniconazoleconcentration, the influence of seedling density on seedling was significantly decreased. Uniconazoleconcentration and seedling density had no significant effect on plant height in mature period, total leaf numberand main stem length under the blanket-seedling density of 12 thousand plant/hm2, but after the treatment ofuniconazole, fruit number of per plant, 1000 seeds weight and harvest yield increased, the treatment of 15 mg/Lgot the highest yield, and those of 10 mg/L and 20 mg/L were overall equal. With the increase of seedlingdensity, all the economic indicators decreased. According to cropping arrangement, when the needed seedlingage was 30 days, the seedling density could reach 4.5 million plant/hm2 under the seed soaking concentrationof 10 mg/L, when the needed seedling age was 40 days, the seed soaking concentration could be increased to20 mg/L,
作者 高建芹 浦惠明 龙卫华 胡茂龙 张洁夫 陈松 彭琦 Gao Jianqin Pu Huiming Long Weihua Hu Maolong Zhang Jiefu Chen Song Peng Qi(Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing Sub-center of National Canola Development Center, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing 210014)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2017年第6期48-58,共11页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家重点研发计划"油菜杂种优势利用技术与强优势杂交种创制"(2016YFD0101300) 国家科技支撑计划"油菜高产高效关键技术研究与示范"(2014BAD11B03) 国家现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学类项目"长江下游区油菜育种"(CARS-13) 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金"适合轻简栽培机械作业的油菜新品种选育"[CX(14)2003] 江苏省农业三新工程"油菜稳密增效配套技术研究与集成示范"[SXGC(2014)301]
关键词 烯效唑浸种 育苗密度 毯状苗质量 植株性状 产量 uniconazole seed soaking seedling density blanket-seedling quality plant trait yield
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