
新生儿婴幼儿主动脉弓中断Ⅰ期手术治疗经验、随访结果和后续治疗 被引量:9

One-stage surgical repair of interrupted aortic arch in neonates and young infants: surgical experiences, follow-up re-suits and subsequent treatments
摘要 目的探讨新生儿婴幼儿期主动脉弓中断(IAA)I期矫治的手术经验和随访结果,提示关注后续治疗。方法2010年9月至2014年12月,单一手术组连续收治38例IAA患儿,男26例,女12例;年龄1天~5个月,中位值11天;体质量1.8~5.8kg,中位值4.1kg。解剖学分型:A型24例(63.16%),B型13例(34.21%),C型1例(2.63%)。2例单纯IAA合并动脉导管未闭(PDA),36例合并房间隔缺损、室间隔缺损(VSD)和PDA,其中7例合并左心室流出道梗阻(LVOTO)(4例为瓣下狭窄,2例为瓣膜狭窄,1例为瓣下+瓣膜狭窄),1例合并左肺动脉异常起源于主动脉,1例合并永存动脉干(Ⅱ型)。28例术前行CT造影并气管三维重建,合并气管狭窄5例。38例均有明显差异性发绀。2例术前死亡,36例行I期矫治。35例合并心内畸形患儿均经正中切口,体外循环采用升主动脉及动脉导管双插管灌注并将体温降至18℃~23℃,选择性脑灌注(21例)或停循环(14例)。完整切除导管组织,予7/0(或8/0)prolene线对端吻合主动脉弓。1例B型患儿因预期吻合口张力过大,切断左锁骨下动脉松解主动脉弓。合并心内畸形降温或复温过程中矫治。16例延迟关胸。1例A型单纯IAA经标准左后外侧切口矫治。制订严格的随访计划,密切注意主动脉弓再狭窄、LVOTO、气管狭窄等并发症,必要时给予再次手术或内科介入治疗。结果本组术前死亡2例,1例为C型IAA+VSD+PDA,另1例为单纯B型IAA。围术期死亡2例。随访过程中猝死1例。体外循环105—208min,中位值138min;选择性脑灌注或停循环16-35min,中位时间24min。1例术后即刻发生肺动脉高压危象死亡。呼吸机支持2~25天,其中1例气管重度狭窄患者,呼吸机撤机困难,继发感染和多脏器功能衰竭死亡。其余患者顺利出院,出院时上、下肢血压差均小于20mmHg� Objective To discuss one-stage surgical repair of interrupted aortic arch (IAA) in neonates and young in- fants, summarize follow-up results and subsequent treatments. Methods From September 2010 to December 2014, a series of 38 consecutive neonates and young infants (M/F = 26/12 ) with IAA were admitted in our surgical group to receive surgical treatment, with a median age of 11 days(1 day to 5 months) and a median body weight of 4.1 kg( 1.8 to 5.8 kg). IAA was type A in 24 cases, type B in 13 cases and type C in 1 case. Associated cadiovascular anomalies were common except 2 cases, including atrial septal defect( n = 23 ), ventrieular septet defect (n = 36 ), left ventricular outlet tract obstruction (LVOTO) (n = 7 ) , anomalous left pulmonary artery from aorta( n -=- 1 ) , truneus arteriosus( n = 1 ). There were 5 cases of airway stenosis in 28 eases of CT angiography and 3D airway reconstruction. All the 38 cases were admitted with differential cyanosis. 36 eases were recieved one-stage surgical repair except 2 cases died before operation. 35 cases of IAA associated with intracardiae anom- alies were repaired through a median sernotomy. Cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) was performed with two canulations in ascend-ing aorta and main puhnonary artery. Selective cerebral peffusion( n = 2t ) or cin:ulatory arresl( n = 14) was eanied out with body temperature of t 8℃-23℃. After the patent ductus arteriosus tissue was completely reseeted, a continuous end-to-end or end-to-side suturing with 7/0(8/0) prolene was performed. In 1 type B cases with expected excessive anastomotic tetMon, the left subclavian arlery was cut otf to release the aortie arch. The associated anomalies were repaired during the eooling or re- warming period. Chest close was delayed to earry out no more than 24 -72 b postoperatively in 16 eases. Tbe other one type A IAA case without intraeardiac annmaly was repaired through a standard let posterior lateral incision. Patients were strictly f
出处 《中华胸心血管外科杂志》 CSCD 2017年第1期5-9,共5页 Chinese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
基金 青岛市医疗卫生重点学科建设项目(2014-8)
关键词 心脏病 先天性 主动脉弓中断 外科手术 婴儿 新生儿 Heart disease, congenital lntenupted aortic arch Surgical procedure Infant, newbom
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