采用实测资料分析三门峡建库以来潼关高程变化与渭河下游泥沙淤积的关系表明:2002年汛后原型试验以来潼关高程有所下降,2015年汛后为327.63 m,仍然偏高;潼关高程升降变化与渭河下游泥沙冲淤关系密切,由潼关高程抬升引起滩槽纵剖面调整造成的淤积约占渭河下游1971-2003年淤积的78.3%,是渭河下游严重淤积的最主要影响因素和根源;2003-2015年潼关高程与渭河下游累计淤积体相关性减弱明显,但渭河下游泥沙淤积量随着潼关高程的抬升或降低而增大或减少的规律仍然明显存在;渭河下游大量淤积逐步抬升演变成为地上"悬河",从根本上改变了渭河下游的防洪排涝形势,灾害损失巨大,严重影响着区域经济社会的稳定发展。建议采取综合措施将潼关高程控制在325.60-325.69 m以下,以减少渭河下游泥沙淤积,改善河道行洪条件,降低沿岸区域洪水灾害风险,为区域发展提供安全环境。
The relationship between the changes of Tongguan elevation and the sediment deposition in the lower reaches of Weihe river since the establishment of Sanmenxia reservoir indicates that: there was a declining trend in tongguan elevation since the flood season in 2002, the elevation of tongguan was 327 63 m after the flood season in 2015, it was still on the high side. Tongguan elevation changes are closely associated with the sediment deposition in lower reaches of Weihe river, the deposition caused by the beach groove profile adjustment under the lifting of Tongguan elevation accounts for about 78.3% of sedimentation in the lower reaches of Weihe river from 1971 to 2003, this was the most important influencing factors for serious silting in lower reaches of Weihe river. The correlation between tongguan elevation and accumulative deposition in the lower reaches of Weihe river was obviously weak from 2003 to 2015. However, the amount of sediment deposition in the lower reaches of Weihe was still significantly increased or decreased with the increase or decrease of Tongguan elevation. Massive deposition had gradually evolved into the ground "suspended river" in the lower reaches of the Weihe River. It fundamentally changed the situation of flood control and drainage at Weihe River downstream, and had a serious impact on the regional economic and social development. Comprehensive measures should be taken to control the Tong- guan elevation below the level of 325.60 - 325.69 m, which aims to reduce the sediment deposition, improve the conditions of river flood, ment for the regional development.
Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
Tongguan elevation
Weihe River decrease the coastal flood disaster risk, and provide a safe environ- impact of erosion and deposition
suspended river
lower reaches of