
自贡地区艾伯特埃希菌的筛查及菌株特征分析 被引量:7

Prevalence and characteristics of Escherichia albertii in Zigong, China
摘要 目的 了解自贡地区人群、动物源性食品、家禽及鸟类携带艾伯特埃希菌情况及菌株特征.方法 采集市售牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、鸭肠及鸡肠,不同鸟类粪便及腹泻患者和密切接触人群粪便,经EC肉汤增菌后,PCR检测eae基因,阳性增菌液接种麦康凯琼脂,挑取不发酵乳糖、eae阳性菌落进一步通过16S rDNA测序及多位点序列分型分析(MLST),确定为艾伯特埃希菌,并对菌株进行eae、cdtB多态性分析及脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)分型分析.结果 本研究共鉴定51株艾伯特埃希菌(19株来源于鸭肠及其内容物、18株来源于鸡肠及其内容物、3株来源于腹泻患者粪便、3株来源于密切接触人群粪便、1株来源于白鹭粪便、3株来源于鸡肉、2株来源于鸭肉、1株来源于猪肉、1株来源于羊肉).eae分为6种亚型,分别为sigma、rho、iota2、epsilon3,nu及N5,而51株艾伯特埃希菌均具有Ⅱ/Ⅲ/ⅤcdtB亚型,其中3株菌同时具有Ⅰ/ⅣcdtB亚型.51株分离株共分为40种PFGE带型,呈多态性分布.结论 首次在中国腹泻患者、密切接触人群、野生白鹭、家禽和动物源性食品中证实了艾伯特埃希菌的存在,对进一步深入开展艾伯特埃希菌病原学、流行病学研究具有重要实际意义. Objective To study the prevalence and characteristics of a new pathogen Escherichia albertii in human , animal - derived food , poultry and birds in Zigong city , Sichuan province . Methods Samples of beef, mutton, pork, chicken, duck, chicken intestine, duck intestine and birds′droppings were collected from markets and stool samples of diarrheal patients and their close contacts were collected from hospitals. The samples were enriched with EC broth and tested for the presence of eae gene by PCR. Each eae-positive enrichment culture was streaked on MacConkey agar. The eae-positive non-lactose fermenting strains were identified as Escherichia albertii by 16S rDNA sequencing and housekeeping genes analysis. Those strains were further analyzed by intimin and cdtB subtyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ( PFGE) . Results Fifty-one strains were identified as Escherichia albertii, including 19 from duck intes-tines, 18 from chicken intestines, 3 from diarrheal patients, 3 from close contacts, 1 from egret excrement, 3 from chicken meat, 2 from duck meat, 1 from pork and 1 from mutton. Six intimin subtypes ( sigma, rho, iota2, epsilon3, nu and N5) were harbored by those strains. All 51 strains carried the Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅴ subtype group of cdtB and among them, 3 strains possessed another copy of Ⅰ/Ⅳ subtype group. Results of PFGEshowed high genetic diversity with 40 different band patterns. Conclusion It is the first time that Escherich-ia albertii was identified in diarrheal patients, close contacts, egret, poultry and animal-derived food in Chi-na. It is practically important for understanding the etiology and epidemiology of Escherichia albertii in China.
作者 王红 刘祥 许彦梅 白向宁 张玲 陈曦 范正轩 缪以懋 李新琼 闫国栋 肖波 孙松松 周阳 张正东 熊衍文 李群 Wang Hong Liu Xiang Xu Yanmei Bai Xiangning Zhang Ling Chen Xi Fan Zhengxuan Miao Yimao Li Xinqiong Yan Guodong Xiao Bo Sun Songsong Zhou Yang Zhang Zhengdong Xiong Yanwen Li Qun(Zigong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zigong 643000, China State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Na- tional Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China)
出处 《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期118-124,共7页 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
基金 自贡市重点科技计划项目(2013506) 四川省卫生计划和生育委员会科研课题(150259) 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室开放课题(2016SKLID309)
关键词 艾伯特埃希菌 动物源性食品 多位点序列分型 脉冲场凝胶电泳 eae cdtB 16SrDNA Escherichia albertii Animal-derived food eae cdtB MLST PFGE 16S rDNA
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