20世纪以赫尔佐格和德梅隆(H&de M)为代表的瑞士建筑师喜好"颠覆性"地运用各种独特的材料进行建筑创作。21世纪新兴崛起的以克里斯蒂安·克雷兹(Christian Kerez)为代表的瑞士建筑师,重视创作过程的完美与不断推敲,而建筑材料则在尊重空间使用和结构设计的基础上进行挑选。虽然两者对于材料的使用理念截然不同,但他们的作品都是通过材料的使用传达建筑情感,表达对环境与自然人文的尊重。
In the 20th century, Swiss architects, represented by Herzog and de Meuron, preferred to "subversively" apply special materials to perform construction. Whereas the Swiss architects in the 21 st century, starred by the rising architect Christian Kerez, stressed the optimization and continual improvement in the creation process, and the construction materials were generally selected based on spatial utilization and structural design. Although they showed different philosophies in materials application, they had their works express through materials emotions of respecting environment and human.
Chongqing Architecture