为提高湖北省沙洋县油菜(Brassica napus L.)生产水平,开展了优质高产双低油菜品种华油杂62轻简栽培高效模式技术集成示范与推广,并取得了显著成效,其中集成技术包括机械开沟、精量直播、化学除草、配方施肥、一促四防、机械收获、秸秆还田7项。2015年沙洋县全县示范推广面积4 000 hm^2,建立核心示范区133 hm^2,平均产量3 118.5 kg/hm^2,比全县平均单产增加363 kg/hm^2,增幅为13.2%。
In order to improve the productive level of rape in Shayang county of Hubei province, the simplified and highly effective cultivation techniques for rape Huayouza 62 including ditching with machinery, precision direct-seeding, weeding with chemical, formula fertilization, a promotion and four aspects of protection, mechanical harvest, straw returning were carried out, promoted and got significant effects. There were 4 000 hm^2 lands for planting Huayouza 62 and 133 hm^2 of that were demonstration zones in the Shayang county. The results showed that the average yield of Huayouza 62 was 3 118.5 kg/hm^2,and was 363 kg/hm^2 and 13.2% more than the average yields of the county.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences