目的:采用SIEMENS SOMATOM Sensation 64层螺旋CT行颞骨高分辨扫描,探讨先天性外中耳畸形(CAEMA)面神经走形的特点,以利于术前评估。方法:选取2005-11-2007-03期间中山大学附属第二医院耳鼻咽喉科住院诊断为先天性外中耳畸形的29例(35耳)患者为研究对象,以畸形耳为研究组,其中单侧畸形23例(23耳,其中右耳13例,左耳10例),双侧畸形6例(12耳)。对照组为研究组中单侧畸形之健耳23例(23耳)。采用Takegosh以直角坐标系描述面神经走行的方法,借助高分辨率CT重建功能,于高分辨率CT上取3个层面获得面神经位置,描述面神经的走形。结果:研究组35耳,单侧畸形23耳,双侧畸形12耳,对照组23耳,CAEME面神经鼓室段与前庭窗的最短距离较正常组变短(P<0.05);单侧CAEME面神经乳突段较正常组前移约2.7mm,双侧CAEME面神经乳突段较正常组前移约3.0mm,单双侧畸形组统计学分析示差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);耳廓畸形程度与面神经乳突段前移有关(P<0.05)。结论:先天性外中耳畸形无论单侧还是双侧,面神经乳突段较正常耳前移;耳廓畸形程度与面神经乳突段前移有关;面神经外侧移位并不常见;面神经鼓室段与前庭窗距离变短。
Objective:Images of temporal bone are obtained on Siemens 64 slices spiral CT scanner with high resolution scanning to describe the course of facial nerve for better preoperative evaluation of CAEMA.Method:To describe the course of facial nerve on rectangular coordinate system from three silce on HRCT,29patients(35ears)are enrolled in our study in ENT department from November 2005 to March 2007 in the second affiliated hospital of sun yan sen university,who are all diagnosed not acquired deformity but CAEME,associated with no congenital deformity syndromes and no middle ear or mastoid operations before.Patients with bilateral ears deformity are 6,and unilateral ears deformity are 23(13right and 10left)in the study group.The control group is the normal ears of unilateral ear deformity.Result:In the study group,the shortest distance from FN tympanic segment to oval window is shorter than that of the normal group(P0.05).In CAEME of unilateral ears the FN mastoid segment displaces anteriorly about 2.7mm,and in CAEME of bilateral ears displaces 3.0mm,compared with the normal ears(P0.05).The deformity degree of auricle has correlations with anteriorly displacement of facial nerve mastoid segment(P0.05).Conclusion:The FN mastoid segment is anteriorly displacement in both bilateral and unilateral ear deformity.The deformity degree of auricle has correlations with anteriorly displacement of facial nerve mastoid segment.The lateral displacement of facial nerve doesn't occur usually in CAEME.The shortest distance between oval window and tympanic segment of FN become shorter than normal ears.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery