惊反射的前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition,PPI)是通过在强刺激出现之前呈现一个弱刺激(即前脉冲刺激),来抑制随后引发的惊反射。PPI是一种大脑适应复杂环境的感觉运动门控过程,注意等高级认知过程可以自上而下的调节PPI,PPI及其高级认知调节异常与多种精神疾病的病理心理机制有关。通过检索中外文数据库中2001年1月至2016年10月发表的精神疾病PPI的研究文献,发现精神分裂症患者及其一级亲属不仅存在PPI的缺失,还伴随注意对PPI调节的缺失,并且注意对PPI调节的缺失与疾病严重程度更加相关。Tourette综合征患者存在PPI缺失,强迫症患者,尤其是伴有抽动障碍的强迫症患者PPI水平降低,双相情感障碍患者的PPI存在性别差异。研究PPI及其高级认知调节可为探讨脑内感觉加工和注意加工等高级过程之间机能整合提供依据,对于探索不同精神疾病中异常感觉门控的脑神经机制有重要意义。未来的研究方向是建立新的注意、情绪、运动控制、冲动性等高级认知成分对PPI调节的行为范式,以提高PPI测查在不同精神疾病中的特异性,新的PPI范式有望成为精神疾病诊断和治疗的生物标记物和内表型指标。
Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is the suppression of the startle reflex when the startling stimulus is preceded by a non-startling stimulus ( the prepuise). It is an operational measurement of sensorimotor gating mechanism to help the brain adapt to the complex environment, which could be top-down modulated by attention and other higher cognitive processes. Deficits of PPI and the top-down modulation of PPI are closely related to psychiatric diseases. Research papers published from January 2001 to October 2016 related to PPI in psychiatric disorders were searched in the Chinese and English databases. Results showed that schizophrenic patients and their relatives showed deficits in baseline PPI as well as the attentional modulation of PPI, and more importantly,the attentional modulation of PPI rather than the baseline PPI was more related to the symptom severity. Patients with Tourette' s syndrome showed PPI impairment,while patients with obsessive compulsive disorder had lower levels of PPI. PPI deficits in bipolar disorder patients were gender-depend- ent. Studying PPI and the top-down modulation of PPI could provide a basis to study the interaction of sensory processing and attention, and facilitate the researches of neural mechanism underlying the deficits of sensory gating. To establish advanced paradigms of PPI, new cognitive components could be introduced, such as attention, emotion, motor control,eompulsivity and so oil,thus improving the specificity of PPI test and promoring the PPI test as new biomarker and endophenotype in various psychiatric disorders.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science