

Goods Transport in Large European Cities: Difficult to Organize, Difficult to Modernize
摘要 基于过去五六年间与大都市运输管理机构的合作,以及参与法国国家级研究项目"城市货物"和"欧洲最佳城市货运解决方案研究网络"的经验,就欧洲大城市的物流的现状,归纳出三个核心特征:⑴货物运输很大程度上与城市内部结构没有关联;⑵城市物流政策基本无效;⑶城市物流服务增长缓慢、供不应求。这三个观点尽管看起来带有较强的批判性,但却如实地反映了城市物流产业的现状。实际上,出于减少环境影响与提高服务质量的考量,业内也有努力使城市物流行业更加高效灵活,但变革却是缓慢的,并且似乎没有哪一方愿意先行一步。一方面,城市政府希望企业开展新的物流业务以满足顾客及零售商与日俱增的需求,同时又要有利于环境发展;另一方面,由于开拓新业务往往是低盈利高风险,物流行业倾向于等待政府启动相关补贴政策后再作行动。除了城市物流的现状趋势外,文章在结论部分也提出了一些解决方案。 In this article, I wish to present three characteristics of urban goods movements in major European cities: (1) Goods movements are largely indifferent to the internal structure of cities. (2) Urban policies targeted on freight mobility appear to be quite inefficient. (3) The provision of appropriate urban logistic services is slow in emerging despite growing needs. These features have been observed over the last five or six years through working with large metro- politan transport authorities, as well as with the French national research program on "Goods in Cities" and the "Best Urban Freight Solutions" European network. These observations draw a picture of the urban freight industry, which can appear quite critical. Indeed, many initia- tives have emerged to make this industry less routine and more efficient, especially regarding its environmental impacts as well as its level of quality of service. However, changes are slow, and on the whole, it appears as though none of the stakeholders are willing to make fast progress: on the one side, city governments expect business to set up new logistic services fit to the emerging needs of the customers and retailers as well as beneficial to the environment; on the other side, logisticians are waiting for municipalities to initiate (and subsidize) new services before starting businesses which could prove poorly profitable and highly risky. Despite this tendency for status quo in the urban freight industry, some solutions can be identified, which I present in the con- cluding chapter of this paper.
作者 蕾蒂西娅·达布朗 陈丁力 Laetitia Dablane
出处 《城市观察》 2017年第1期31-37,共7页 Urban Insight
关键词 城市货运 政策与规划 城市物流 管理制度 货车 配送 urban freight policies and planning city logistics regulations trucks deliveries
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