功率放大器在现代无线通信系统中有着重要作用,AB类功率放大器因其能够平衡效率与线性度的关系被广泛研究使用;LDMOS晶体管因其优异的工作性能,是目前多种射频功率应用中主流的技术之一。采用LDMOS晶体管设计了一款工作频段在2.11~2.17 GHz的AB类功率放大器,完成了匹配电路的设计,在工作频段内S11<-10 d B,S21>18.7 d B,最大线性输出功率P1d B>51 d Bm,其相应的漏极效率在59%以上;从P1d B点回退6.5 d B点的漏极效率大于31%,上三阶交调为-35.9 d Bc,下三阶交调为-35.6 d Bc。仿真结果表明,设计的功率放大器可满足实际基站的应用需求。
Power amplifiers play a great important role in modern wireless communication systems, AB class power amplifier is widely employed and investigated for its good balance of efficiency and linearity ; LDMOS transistor is one of the leading technology for a variety of RF applications because of its outstanding performance. A AB class power amplifier in band 2.11 ~2.17 GHz is designed exploiting LDMOS transistor, the design of impedance matching circuits is completed , in the working frequency range, S11〈-10 dB, S21〉18.7 dB,the maximum linear output power P1dB〉51 dBm, the corresponding efficiency is above 59% ; the drain efficiency at 6.5 dB backoff point from P1dB is above 31% ,the corresponding upper IMD3 is -35.9 dBc,the lower IMD3 is -35.6 dBc.The simulation results show that the designed power amplifier can meet the application requirements of base stations.
Electronic Design Engineering