
响应曲面法分析低盐条件下温度与pH对斜带石斑鱼幼鱼能量代谢的联合效应 被引量:3

Combined effects of temperature and pH on energy metabolism of Epinephelus coioides juveniles cultured in low salinity using response surface methodology
摘要 采用二因素五水平的中心复合设计和响应曲面分析方法,以温度(21~33℃)和pH(6.5~8.5)为因子,以耗氧率和排氨率为响应指标,探讨了在低盐条件下温度和pH对斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)幼鱼能量代谢的联合影响。结果表明,本实验条件下,随着温度的上升,耗氧率(MO_2)和排氨率(MTAN)呈上升的变化;随着pH的上升,MO_2和MTAN呈先上升后下降的变化。温度一次效应对幼鱼的MO_2影响极显著(P<0.01),二次效应对幼鱼的MO_2影响显著(P<0.05);pH一次效应对幼鱼MO_2影响显著(P<0.05),二次效应影响极显著(P<0.01);温度与pH互作效应对MO_2影响显著(P<0.05)。温度一次效应对幼鱼的MTAN影响极显著(P<0.01),二次效应对幼鱼的MTAN无显著影响(P>0.05);pH一次效应和二次效应对幼鱼MTAN影响显著(P<0.05);温度与pH互作效应对MTAN无显著影响(P>0.05)。所考察因子与幼鱼MO_2、MTAN间二次多项回归过程的决定系数分别为0.981 1、0.954 6(P<0.01),可用于分析与预测。通过对所建立的回归方程同时优化,得到温度与pH的最佳组合为:温度31.2℃和pH 7.6。在此组合条件下,幼鱼MO_2、MTAN最大值分别为188.44 mg O_2·(kg·hr)-1;7.01 mg TAN·(kg·hr)-1,可靠度为0.902。实验结果提示,低盐条件下斜带石斑鱼养殖可在本实验中得到的最优因子组合下进行,以提高生产效益。 Orange-spotted grouper, which inhabit subtropical and tropical areas, have become a very popular cultured species of marine teleost currently in China. Metabolic rate is the most fundamental biological rate as it represents the rate of energy uptake, transformation and allocation. Oxygen consumption is a widely studied indicator of metabolic rate, and measurements of oxygen consumption rate are often used to examine energy utilization and stress in aquatic animals. We evaluated the combined effects of temperature and pH on the energy metabolism of Epinephelus coioides juveniles cultured in low salinity. Two-factor central composite experimental design and response surface methodology were used to test the effects of temperature (21 -33℃) and pH (6.5 - 8.5 ) on the oxygen consumption rate (M%) and ammonia excretion rate ( MTAN) under laboratory conditions. Results showed that M% and MrAN increased with the increasing temperature, and increased at the beginning then decreased with the increasing pH. The linear effects of temperature on M% were highly statistically significant ( P 〈 0.01 ), the quadratic effects of temperature were significant ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; the linear effects of pH on Mo2 were significant (P 〈 0.05 ) , the quadratic effects of pH were highly statistically significant (P 〈 0.01 ). interaction effects of temperature and pH on M% were significant ( P 〈 0.05). The linear effects of temperature on MTAN were highly statistically significant ( P 〈 0.01 ), but the quadratic effects of temperature were not significant (P 〉 0.05 ) ; the linear and quadratic effects of pH on MrAN were significant (P 〈 0.05 ) ; interaction effects of temperature and pH on MTAN were significant ( P 〈 0.05). The optimal temperature-pH combination was obtained through statistical optimization approach, and it was 31.2℃/7.6, at which the maximal M%, MTAN reached 188.44mgO2·(kg·hr) -1,7.01 mgTAN . (kg·hr) -1 respectively, with the desirability of 0
出处 《海洋渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期41-50,共10页 Marine Fisheries
基金 广东省教育厅育苗工程(自然科学)项目(No.2013LYM-0038) 广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项项目[No.A2010-08D04 A2010004-016(c)] 广东省海洋经济创新发展区域示范专项"石斑鱼等名贵海水鱼工厂化循环水高效养殖产业化"(No.GD2012-A02-003)
关键词 斜带石斑鱼 耗氧率 排氨率 低盐水体 响应面法 Epinephelus coioides oxygen consumption rate ammonia excretion rate low salinity water response surface methodology
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