[目的 /意义]了解美国传统基金会的运行机制、核心价值以及发展动态,为我国的智库研究与实践提供参考与借鉴。[方法 /过程]采用案例研究法,主要通过文献调研和网站调研的方法收集数据,援引美国传统基金会所发布的相关出版物及时政评论,同时参考国际权威的智库研究报告,对美国传统基金会的历史和现状进行考察。[结果 /结论 ]美国传统基金会的成立带有保守派政治色彩,但除却政治倾向和立场等因素,美国传统基金会在基金会运行机制与用保守政策成功影响政府决策等方面,对中国智库建设有诸多值得借鉴之处。
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to introduce the operational mechanism, the core value and development stance of the Heritage Foundation, so as to provide a reference for the construction of China’s think tanks with Chinese characteristics. [Method/process] With the case study method, related data were collected by reviewing literature and searching websites. According to the research publications and political reviews of the Heritage Foundation, its core value and financial statement were introduced. On the basis of firsthand materials such as 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report and 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, its research focus and developmental stance were analyzed. [Result/conclusion] It is shown that the Heritage Foundation emphasizes its conservative thoughts from its inception. Except its political opinions and position, the success of the Heritage Foundation can also provide inspiration for the construction of China’s think tanks with Chinese characteristics, especially in operational mechanism and political influence on the government.
Think Tank:Theory & Practice
the Heritage Foundation
think tank
operational mechanism
core value
Global Go To Think Tank Index Report