
活络效灵丹异病同治瘀血阻络 被引量:13

The Same Therapy to Treat with Obstruction of Blood Stasis by Huoluo-Xiaoling Pellets
摘要 活络效灵丹出自张锡纯《医学衷中参西录》,原方为丹参三钱、当归三钱、乳香三钱、没药三钱,主治气血凝滞,癖瘕,心腹疼痛,腿疼臂疼,内外疮疡,一切脏腑积聚,经络湮淤。凡瘀血阻络证均可用之,适当加减,既可以用于寒证、也可以用于热证;腹痛、痹病、疮疡之寒证,配桂枝、附子、小茴香等温里散寒药;红肿热痛之疮疡热证,配金银花、连翘、蒲公英等清热解毒药;血瘀证往往伴气滞或气虚,兼气滞配行气之香附、枳壳;兼气虚配黄芪、党参、白术等;血瘀重配三棱、莪术、水蛭、三七等;兼湿邪配芳香化湿药及利水渗湿药;老年患者往往兼肾虚,配补肾药。配伍得当,剂量遵守"药以胜病为主,不拘分量之多少"原则,临床证明活络效灵丹对痹症肢体关节疼痛、各种疮疡、腹痛、下肢静脉曲张属瘀血阻络者均有较好疗效。附痹症、外伤阴证疮疡(产后会阴侧切伤口不愈合)、痛风、糖尿病足验案4则。 Huoluo-xiaoling pellets is come frome ZHANG Xi-Chun's book "Records of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Combination", the original prescription is composed of Salvia mihiorrhiza 3 qian, angelica 3 qian, frankincense 3 qian, myrrh 3 qian, The scope of indications is Qi and blood stagnation, abdominal mass, pain in heart and abdomen, Leg pain and arm pain, internal and external pyocutaneous, accumulation of all internal organs, blocked meridian. All blood stasis syndrome were available. Appropriate addition and subtraction, can be used not only for cold syndrome, but also for heat syndrome; Abdominal pain, arthralgia, sore of cold syndrome, combination with cold dispelling drugs such as aconite Guizhi, fennel and so on;red swelling and fever pain of pyocutaneous heat syndrome, combination with heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs such as forsythia, honeysuckle, dandelion and so on. Blood stasis syndrome usually associated with Qi deficiency or Qi stagnation, with Qi stagnation combination with Rhizoma Cyperi, Frnctus aurantii; with Qi deficiency combination with Astragalus, Codonopsis, Atraetylodes and so on; Severe blood stagnation combination with sparganium, zedoary turmeric, leech, Panax notoginseng and so on; with pathogenic damp combination with dampness-transforming medicinal and inhibiting-damp drugs; elderly patients are often associated with kidney deficiency, combination with Kidney-tonifying Drugs. Proper compatibility and comply the princple "For the purpose of medicine to overcome the disease, regardless of much dose". Clinical has proved that huoluo-xiaoling pellets for the treatment of arthromyodynia limb joint pain, ulcer, abdominal pain, varicose veins belong to blood stasis has good curative effect. 4 proven cases were presented include Arthralgia and traumatic Yin Syndrome (postpartum perineal wound healing), gout, diabetic foot for clinical reference.
作者 张会文 张前
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第1期59-61,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 活络效灵丹 瘀血阻络 脏腑积聚 经络湮淤 痹症 外伤阴证疮疡 产后会阴侧切伤口不愈合 痛风 糖尿病足张锡纯 医学衷中参西录 中医药治疗 Huoluo-xiaoling pellets Obstruction of Blood Stasis accumulation of internal organs blocked meridian arthralgia trauma pyocutaneous of Yin Syndrome postpartum perineal incision does not heal gout diabetic foot ZHANG Xichun records of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Combination traditional Chinese medicine treatment
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