史密斯运用短篇小说独特的凝聚力,采用故事中的故事(story in story)、关于故事的故事(story of story)以及打破框架(framebreak)等元小说叙事策略、运用第二人称叙事、怪诞的标题、独特大胆出格的类比、戏仿、双关等叙事技巧,通过独特的多重视角来诠释生活的复杂性和连续性,创造了完全不同的叙事,进而彰显了短篇小说的魅力。
Abstract: Ali Smith proves herself an experimental writer with metafictional involvement, story in story, story of sto- ry as well as framebreak in her short stories. Smith always shows her talent in transforming the continuity and complexi- ty of the short story into complicated narration with second person narrative, queer titles, candid analogy, surprising pun as well as classic parody, and thus pushes the possibilities of the short story with intimacy and imagination.
Journal of Hexi University