"Ascending and descending" (sheng jiang 升降) of certain lines is a core rule in Xun Shuang's (128-190) image-nu- merological approach to the Changes. Although Hui Dong (1697-1758), Zhang Huiyan (1761-1802), and Mu Zongsan (1909-1995) left us three routes to Xun's sheng jiang theory, in academic circles there are still great disputes about the is- sues related to the "descending of Qian and ascending of Kun " and "hexagram changes" (gua bian 卦变) which re- main to be solved. This paper points out that sheng jiang is divided into two kinds of jiaoyi shengjiang (lit., ascent and de- scent resulting from exchanges) and Qian sheng Kun jiang (ascent of Qian and descent of Kun ). The former re- fers to the formation of a new hexagram resulting from the exchange of positions, i.e., ascending and descending, of a yin and a yang line or the exchange of positions of the trigrams of Qian and Kun . In the cases of jiaoyi shengjiang, when a yang line obtained predominance, its value would be affirmed by Xun Shuang; and when a yin line was in a position of respect, Xun would deny its value and further make use of his approach of Qian sheng Kun jiang, the core of which is that when the fifth line is a yin line or when a yang line is not in a superior position, a yang line in the second po- sition or in a position closest to the fifth line ought to ascend to the fifth position so as to gain the noble position again. On the basis of jiaoyi shengjiang, Xun Shuang illustrated a natural prospect of the generation of the myriad things resulting fromthe intercourses between Heaven and Earth, and by distinguishing the value of yang from that of yin and through Qian sheng Kun jiang, Xun Shuang expressed his pursuit of value based on his practical concerns.
Studies of Zhouyi
Xun Shuang jiaoyi shengjiang ascent of Qian and descent of Kun distinguishing of values