
都市非正式神圣场所中的地方依恋——广州青年家庭教会MT小家案例 被引量:1

Place Attachment in the Urban Unofficially Sacred Sites: A Case Study of the MT Youth House Church in Guangzhou
摘要 经历现代性转型下的中国基督教发展迅速,其中家庭教会这种"非正式神圣地"形式的礼拜场所在城市中开始出现。对于家庭教会成员与私人化的微观宗教空间的地方互动,现阶段仍缺少地理学的关注。文章在回顾宗教地理学、家庭教会及地方依恋等相关研究的基础上,对广州这一国际化大都市中青年教会MT小家的成员进行了深度访谈,通过运用质性研究方法发现,家庭教会内部日常化的空间形态建构出了成员们的情感空间和社交网络。同时小家中教徒与慕道者在地方依恋的2个维度上都存在感知差异,即在地方依赖的维度上,两类成员都体现出功能性的依赖;在地方认同的维度上,慕道者并未如教徒一样对家庭教会产生强烈的地方认同感。 Geographers of religion have developed ‘new' geographies of religion that emphasizes different sites for religious practice beyond the ‘official sacred' ones(churches, temples, mosques and the like) in recent years. Many studies acknowledge that ‘unofficial sacred sites' are also full of politics, poetics and identity like the ‘official sacred sites' are. Under the context of modern transformation, China is going through a rapid development in Christianity in cities, especially ‘unofficial sacred sites'-house churches. Although many sociologists and anthropologists have taken interest in this issue many years ago, geographers in China still know little about the interaction between house church members and private micro religious spaces. It is especially urgent to carry out studies on private micro religious spaces. The geographic meanings and religious contexts of house churches need to be fully understood. In reviewing of studies on religious geography, house church, and place attachment, we conducted a survey of the members in the MT house church by in-depth interview based on the dimension of place attachment. On the one hand, the MT youth house church creates a warm and gentle "family-style" atmosphere, and on the other hand, official religious images are introduced into the house church with indoor decorations, making it an ‘unofficial sacred site'. We argue that, through everyday practice, the members in the MT house church construct emotional space and social network beyond the physical space. The seekers and the Christians in the MT house church have perceiving differences in two dimensions of place attachment. In terms of place dependency, both of them show functional dependence. The Christians attend the MT house church because of a need of a place for worship, while the functional dependence of the seekers is based on social network and religious interest. In terms of place identity, the Christians have deepened the identity of religious and religious groups through rel
作者 余晓晨 陶伟
出处 《热带地理》 2017年第1期91-101,共11页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41271178 41630635) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630635)
关键词 家庭教会 非正式神圣地 地方依恋 宗教地理学 house church unofficially sacred site place attachment religion of geography
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