通过对微细石英颗粒的表面进行变性处理 ,研究表面极性对微细石英颗粒沉降速度的影响。石英砂粒群在水中的干涉沉降试验结果表明 ,干涉沉降速度的对数与松散度的对数基本保持直线关系。在相同的松散度下 ,疏水后的沉降速度比疏水前明显增大。疏水前后的直线斜率相等 ,均为 4 0 2 0 8,疏水前后的截距发生了变化。疏水前颗粒的自由沉降末速为 2 2 77cm/s ,疏水后为 2 411cm/s 。
The effect of surface polarity of the fine quartz particles on the settling velocity in the water is investigated by changing the surface property The experimental results of hindered settling show that relationship of lgu to lg θ is linear, and the settling velocity after hydrophobic treatment is increased evidently at the same looseness The slopes of lg u vs lg θ line are equal in pre and post hydrophobic treatment, but the intercept is changed The free settling rates of pre and post hydrophobic treatment are 2 277cm/s and 2 411cm/s respectively The settling velocity is increased with the increase of hydrophobicity of the fine quartz particles
Nonferrous Metals
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 (96E0 2 8M )