
日本学术界的甲午战争研究 被引量:3

The Study of Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 in Japanese Academia
摘要 甲午战争结束后不久,日本学界就开始了对这场战争的研究,迄今已逾百年,研究成果丰硕。在研究体裁上,主要分为三部分:史料编辑、研究专著、研究论文。研究主题主要有:(1)探讨甲午战争爆发的原因,定位甲午战争的性质,包括天皇制与战争的关系;(2)分析"开战外交"的经过,阐明日本政府有无开战意图;(3)日本社会与甲午战争,包括从士兵、军夫、媒体、通讯等方面展现甲午战争;(4)战史研究,包括战争军事与战略;(5)对日本外交的分析与评价,包括日本的东亚政策;(6)甲午战争与国际关系;(7)甲午战争研究与历史教育等。其中"开战外交"这一主题,研究积累最多、内容最丰富。从研究领域来看,外交史、政治史和军事史方面始终是传统的研究重点。社会史领域方面始于1990年代中期,至今日趋成熟且是热点。主要的学术观点有:战前的"二元外交论",战后的甲午战争"必然说"、"偶发说",突出强调甲午战争开战的复杂性和曲折性。不足之处在于,以"旅顺屠杀"、"东学党农民军"为主题的研究有待于开拓和深化,介绍外国研究成果方面尚需加强。 Shortly after the end of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, study of this war was started in the Japanese academia, which has lasted for more than one hundred years with fruitful research results. The study is mainly carried out with three genres., historical data collecting, research monographs and research papers. And the research topics mainly include. (1) investigation of causes of this war, determination of nature of the war and the relation between the war and the emperor system in Japam (2) analysis of the "war diplomacy", and clarification of the unwillingness of Japanese government to start the war~ (3) the Japanese society and the war, including the profile of the war from the perspective of the soldiers, army, media, communication, etc~ (4) study of annals of war, including war military and strategy~ (5) analysis and evaluation of Japan's diplomacy, including Japan's East- Asia policy~ (6) relation between the war and international relations, (7) study of this war and history education, etc. Among all these topics, "war diplomacy" is of the largest research data and most abundant content. In terms of the research field, diplomatic history, political history, and military history have always been the research focuses. The study in social history began in the middle 1990s, which is becoming mature and is a hot topic today. The main academic views to this respect include, the pre-war "dual diplomatic theory", and the postwar "inevitability", and "contingency" view of the war, which highlight the complexity and tortuosity of the war. Shortcomings of studies in this field are that the study focused on "Lushun Massacre" and "Tonghak Peasant Army" still needs to be developed and deepened, and also introduction of foreign research results still needs to be strengthened.
作者 郭海燕
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期70-82,共13页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
基金 平成28年度日本大学理工学部海外学术交流资金
关键词 日本学界 甲午战争研究 回顾与评述 焦点与领域 东亚近代史研究学会 Japanese academia research of Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 review and comment focus andfield research institute of East Asian modem history
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