
海口主要公园香花植物资源调查与分析 被引量:4

Investigation and analysis of fragrant plants in the parks of Haikou City,Hainan Province
摘要 香花植物在园林景观中满足了人们视觉感官与嗅觉感官的双重要求,有着独特的应用价值。本文对海口市5所大型综合性公园的香花植物进行调查,为推动其在海口市园林景观中的应用提供参考。研究发现,所调查的公园有香花植物45种(含1变种,2栽培品种),隶属于29科39属,以乡土植物为主,木本植物居多;多集中于夏季开花,花色以白色为主;花香从微香型到浓香型,以芳香型为主;主要有闻香主景式、点缀配景式两种配置形式。另外,香花植物种类偏少、种植面积小、花色单调等问题突出,针对以上问题提出相应对策。 Fragrant plants satisfy people's visual sense and olfactory sense and have special value in landscape. In order to promote the applying of fragrant plants in the landscape of Haikou, Hainan Province, fragrant plants in the five main parks of Haikou were investigated. Results show that there are 45 species of fragrant plants (including 1 variety and 2 cultivars), belonging to 29 families 39 genera, which are native mainly; most are woody; most bloom in summer, and with white flowers; flowers' smell ranges from micro flavored to highly flavored type, and smelling scenic type is the most common; fragrance- smelling accent type and embellishment background type are the main configuration forms. Problems are found that the species' number and the cultivated area of fragrant plants used in Haikou are both small, and the color of flowers is monotonous. Suggestions are provided in the end.
作者 王海玄 杨东梅 Wang Haixuan Yang Dongmei(College of Horticulture and Landscape, Hainan University, Haikou Hainan 570228, China Key Laboratory of Protection and Development Utilization of Tropical Crop Germplasm Resources, Hainan University, Ministry of Education, Haikou Hainan 570228, China)
出处 《南方林业科学》 2016年第6期34-37,45,共5页 South China Forestry Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:31360042) 海南大学青年基金项目(项目编号:qnjj1215) 海南大学植物学国家重点学科项目(项目编号:071001)
关键词 香花植物 海口市公园 种类 观赏性 配置形式 fragrant plants parks of Haikou species ornamental value configuration form
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