Objective This study is to compare the value of ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso- nance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of biliary hamartomas. Methods 12 cases of liver biopsies were found to have biliary hamartomas. Imaging features (including ultrasonography, CT and MRI) of those cases were analyzed and summarized retrospec- tively. Comparison was made between the resuh of imaging and pathology. Results According to ultrasound images, the areas with biliary hamarto,nas were heterogeneous and slightly hyperechoic. All cases had numerous tiny hypo-or hyperechoic lesions with comet-tail echoes and "equal" sign. On plain CT, biliary hamartomas were presented as multiple hypodense lesions. After intravenous injection of contrast medium, 5 cases showed no enhancement and 3 cases showed thin rim-like enhancement in the delayed phase. Biliary hamartomas were presented as hypo-intense on T1 -weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted ima- ges. On "heavily" TE-weighted sequences, the signal intensity of the lesions was enhanced. Gadolinium-enhanced images showed peripheral rim-like enhancement ( Fig. 3B) in 7 patients but no enhancement in the other 5 patients. Conclusion Biliary hamar- tomas showed characteristic features on imaging findings by uhrasonography, CT, and MRI. Although abdominal ultrasonography could detect suspected biliary hamartomas, the best choice for further diagnosis is MRI and ultrasonography can be used in follow- ing-up examination.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Biliary hamartomas
Tomoagrphy, X-ray computed
Magnetic resonomce imaging