The Series Note by the Recluse of the Brook Tiao is a series note on poets and poetry in the history of Chinese literary criticism, but it mainly contained the views of others, therefore, in a very long period of time, there was not much research on it. In ancient times, the researchers were mainly Fang Hui during the Song and Yuan dynasties and the Compilers of Siku in Qing dynasty, whose research focused on the version and style of the Series Note by the Recluse of the Brook Tiao. This situation continued until after the founding of the PRC, and Liao Deming and Guo Shaoyu were the synthesizer of the traditional research. After entry into the new period, the research of the Series Note by the Recluse of the Brook Tiao became in full swing. There had appeared a series of intensive research works, what' s more, not only in China's Mainland, but also in Taiwan.
Journal of Qilu Normal University
The Series Note by the Recluse of the Brook Tiao
Hu Zi
The academic research
The traditional method
The new period