The Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists,Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE,originally ICYCSEE)2017(http://2017.icpcsee.org)w ill be held in Changsha,China,Sept 22-24 2017,hosted by Central South University and Computer Education Committee Hunan Higher Education Federation.ICPCSEE2017 is planned to publish the proceedings w ith Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series(final approval pending),w hich w ill be indexed by EI Compendex according to previous experience of Springer.The program committee w ill recommend some high-quality papers to international journals including:
The Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators ( ICPCSEE, originally ICYCSEE) 2017 ( http://2017, icpesee, org) will be held in Changsha, China, Sept 22-24 2017, hosted by Central South University and Computer Education Committee Hunan Higher Education Federation. ICPCSEE 2017 is planned m publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (final approval pending), which will be in- dexed by EI Compendex according to previous experience of Springer. The program committee will recommend some high-quality papers to international journals including:
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems