

Chinese Culture Steppingout:Experience in East Asia and a Lesson Drawn
摘要 中国文化走向东亚诸国已有千年之久,积累了不少的经验教训。出走的文化大致具有三种命运:一是中外并存但各有千秋;二是我失他存,这不仅为我们保存了文化命脉,还时有回流现象;三是我存他失,这大都是优胜劣汰、自然选择之结果。当今中国文化走出去不能实行一刀切政策,应根据区域不同分别对待。就对中国传统文化具有较深基础的东亚诸国来说,在继续发送传统文化的波频之同时,应注意层次和内涵。然关键是文化的激活与创新,激活潜藏于东亚诸国文化中的中国元素,再向他们输送一些具有新时代普世价值的地方文化和文化产品。而欧美地区则有所不同,在当今开展中国文化元素表象传播、文化产品出口之际,要充分吸取中国文化走向东亚的经验与教训,首先把汉文习得作为长远战略贯彻实施,保护和激活华人华侨的中国文化情结和热情,从而擘画中国文化走向世界的真正蓝图。 China' s fertile experience in cultural influence on its neighboring countries is impossible to overstate and nowhere has this experience been truer than in East Asian countries for more than one thousand years. The stepping-out of Chinese cul- ture usually has three destinies: (a) harmonious co-existence with another culture; (b) preservation of Chinese cultural iden- tity by acculturation, assimilation and integration into another culture which may be re-exported to China; (c) superseding other cultures as a matter of survival of the fittest. Nowadays, China should not adopt a sweeping inflexible policy for Chinese culture to step out but elastically complement the uniqueness of each regional culture. In the case of East Asian countries, which have been profoundly influenced by Chinese culture traditionally, the gradation and connotations of Chinese cultural ele- ments should be emphasized. Before delivering Chinese cultural products and regional cultures of universal values to East Asian countries, the crux is to activate and innovate traditional Chinese cultural elements already embedded in the cultures of this re- gion. This is different from the Euro-American paradigm. While we formulate our policy for the image transmission of Chinese cultural elements and the export of cultural products to Euro-American countries, we have to take into consideration our past cultural experience in East Asia and the lesson we learnt from it. Chinese language education should be given priority upon for- mulation of a long-term cultural strategy, thereby protecting and activating the passion and cultural complex of overseas Chi- nese. A real blueprint for Chinese culture to enter the global arena can thus be sketched.
作者 陈小法
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2017年第1期59-64,82,共7页 Journal of Shaoxing University
关键词 文化外传 东亚模式 激活创新 文化流失 culture stepping out East Asian model activation and innovation cultural leakage
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