Multistage testing (MST) is a type of testing in which sets of items are administered adaptively and are scored as a unit. MST has most of the advantages of adaptive testing, with more efficient and precise measurement across the proficiency scale as well as time savings, without many of the disadvantages of an item-level adaptive testing (i.e., computerized adaptive testing). The local independence is a basic assumption of most psychometric models, e.g., item response theory (IRT) models. Unfortunately, such assumption can be easily violated in educational or psychological tests. Yen (1984, 1993) listed a number of factors leading to local item dependence (LID): test speed, fatigue or practice, item or response format, passage dependence, and scoring rubrics or raters. Because modules in MST can be treated as a series of mini tests, the assumption of local independence may also be violated by factors mentioned above or others. A lot of studies on traditional linear tests have shown that when standard IRT models (e.g., the Rasch model, the 2-prarameters Logistic model) are used to fit the data, LID results in the overestimation of the precision of the test as a whole, spuriously high reliability coefficients, and biased parameter estimates. Typically, MST uses the standard IRT models to estimate test- takers' abilities. Thus, we can deduce that the LID, if it exists, may affect the results of MST.
Journal of Psychological Science