【目的】明确葡萄叶片厚度和茸毛密度与其对绿盲蝽抗性的关系。【方法】于2012—2014年连续3 a系统研究了不同葡萄品种对绿盲蝽的抗性水平,并在室内测定了葡萄叶片的厚度和茸毛密度。【结果】不同葡萄品种对绿盲蝽的抗性水平存在明显差异;不同葡萄品种叶片厚度、上表皮层厚度、下表皮层厚度和刺毛密度、丝毛密度分别呈显著差异(P<0.05)。叶片厚度、上表皮层厚度、下表皮层厚度与葡萄对绿盲蝽的抗性没有显著相关性(y=-1.935 8+0.011 8x,R2=0.080 1,P=0.460 6;y=-1.358+0.070 3x,R2=0.131 1,P=0.338 3;y=9.536 3-0.202 3x,R2=0.239 0,P=0.181 7);叶片丝毛密度、刺毛密度与葡萄对绿盲蝽的抗性也不存在显著关系(y=2.861 3-0.081 1x,R2=0.014 9,P=0.754 7;y=2.938 9-0.005 7x,R2=0.177 3,P=0.259 1)。【结论】不同葡萄品种对绿盲蝽的抗性水平差异显著;葡萄叶片厚度和茸毛密度与其对绿盲蝽的抗性之间没有显著相关性。
【Objective】Grapes are one of the important fruits in China. In recent years, the damage by Apolygus lucorum is increasing year after year, which results in the reduction of the quality and also de-creases of production and leads to greater economic losses. Therefore, it is necessary to study the grape va-rieties resistance to A. lucorum. It is also necessary to evaluate the resistance levels of different grape vari-eties to A. lucorum. We must make clear the relationship between the leaf thickness, leaf upper epidermisthickness, leaf abaxial epidermis thickness, filamentous trichomes density, spinous trichomes density ofdifferent grape varieties and their resistance to A. lucorum.【Methods】We investigated the damage causedby A. lucorum on 9 grape varieties in the field during 2012—2014, and calculated the damage indexes ac-cording to the results obtained. The leaf damage level can be divided into 0, 1, 2, 3, corresponding to 0, 0-20%, 20%-40% and 40%-100% of the total leaf area, respectively. The resistance value of each year wasset as 1 to 5 and the damage indexes ranged from larger than 20% to smaller than 20%. We then averagedthe resistance values of three years to determine the resistance index. The resistance indexes ≤2 were thelow resistance varieties, 2-3 were moderate sensitive varieties, 3-4 were moderate resistance varieties,and 4 were high resistance varieties. The grape leaves used were the third leaf of each new shoot at theshoot-growing stage. By making temporary slides, we measured the leaf thickness, leaf upper epidermisthickness and leaf abaxial epidermis thickness under 400 times magnification in a laboratory microscope.The number of filamentous trichomes, with a density of 1 cm on the midrib of the grape leaves, was count-ed at 40 times magnification under a microscope. The spinous trichomes were distributed on the back ofgrape leaves. The spinous trichomes density was divided into 5 levels from low to high. We observed thespinous trichomes density at 100 times magnification under a
Journal of Fruit Science
Apolygus lucorum
Leaf thickness
Trichome density