目的探讨膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)患者关节液中差异表达的微小RNA(miRNAs)及其临床意义。方法选择KOA患者和体检健康者各33例,均为女性。采集受试者关节液标本,随机从中各选择3例份,采用miRNA芯片技术检测差异表达的miRNAs(差异表达的标准定义为上调或下调≥2倍)。采用Real-time PCR法检测剩余KOA患者和体检健康者关节液(各30例份)中差异表达miRNAs的相对表达量,对芯片检测结果进行验证。结果与体检健康者比较,KOA患者关节液中上调≥2倍的miRNAs有3个(miR-9、miR-155、miR-98),下调≥2倍的miRNAs有4个(miR-140、miR-27a、miR-146a、miR-138)。KOA患者关节液miR-9、miR-155、miR-98相对表达量均高于体检健康者,miR-140、miR-27a、miR-146a和miR-138相对表达量均低于体检健康者(P均<0.05)。结论 KOA患者关节液miR-9、miR-155、miR-98表达升高,miR-140、miR-27a、miR-146a和miR-138表达降低;上述miRNAs表达变化可能与KOA的发病有关。
Objective To investigate the differential expression of miRNAs in joint fluid of patients with knee osteoar- thritis (KOA) and its clinical significance. Methods Thirty-three female KOA patients and 33 female health people were chosen. Three cases of each group were randomly selected and the joint fluid samples of these study subjects were collect- ed. The miRNA microarray was used to assess the level and composition of miRNAs in joint fluid. The differences criteria in screening expression of miRNA : up-regulated or down-regulated expression of miRNAs ≥ 2 folds. Real-time PCR was used to assess the relative expression of miRNAs in joint fluid of the remaining KOA patients and healthy subjects (30 cases in group). Results Compared with normal controls, 3 miRNAS in which the up-regulated expression was ≥ 2 folds (miR-9, miR-155, and miR-98) and 4 miRNAs in which the down-regulated expression was ≥ 2 folds (miR-140, miR- 27a, miR-146a, and miR-138) were found in the KOA group. The expression levels of miR-9, miR-155 and miR-98 were higher in KOA patients than those in healthy subjects, while the expression levels of miR-140, miR-27a, miR-146a and miR-138 were lower in KOA patients than those in healthy subjects ( all P 〈 0.05). Conclusion The expression of miR- 9, miR-155 and miR-98 in joint fluid of KOA patients is up-regulated, and the expression of miR-140, miR-27a, miR- 146a and miR-138 is down-regulated, and these differentially expressed miRNAs may be related to the pathogenesis of KOA.
Shandong Medical Journal