在生物多样性受到严重威胁前提下,为评估中国生物多样性保护的成效,引入了世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)开发设计的红色名录指数(Red List Index,RLI),结合我国实际情况修订后,计算脊椎动物和维管植物的红色名录指数。结果显示,以均值法(Equal-steps method)计算的脊椎动物RLI有所上升,脊椎动物整体多样性丧失速率下降;而以灭绝风险法(Extinction risk method)计算的脊椎动物RLI有所下降,表明有部分高濒危等级的脊椎动物物种进一步丧失;两种方法计算的维管植物RLI均有所下降,说明维管植物多样性丧失速率加快;而基于均值法计算的维管植物RLI下降速率更快,说明数量较多的物种丧失速率加快,亟需加强保护。这是RLI在国家水平上进行应用,也是在国家水平上对RLI指数进行验证,计算结果将为我国生物多样性保护提供参考。
Biodiversity is undergoing more and more threat in the recent years. In order to evaluate the effects of biodiversity conservation in China, Red List Index(RLI) designed by IUCN(World Conservation Union) is introduced and revised to observe the rate of biodiversity loss of vertebrate and vascular plant. The results show that ascending of the RLI of vertebrate by Equal-steps indicates descending of the rate of biodiversity loss, but descending of the RLI of vertebrate by Extinction risk indicates further loss of some high Red List Categories species. RLI of vascular plant by Equal-steps and Extinction-risk all decline in some degree, indicating that the rate of biodiversity loss of vascular plant is quickened. Furthermore, RLI of vascular plant by Equal-steps declines faster than by Extinction risk, indicating that a majority of vascular plant species are facing a rising loss rate and therefore corresponding protection is necessarily enhanced. It's not only an application but also verification of RLI at national level and the calculation results would be used as a reference for biodiversity conservation in China.
Zhang Ming Gao Jixi(Research Center for Ecological Protection and Climate Change Response,Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences,MEP,Nanjing210042,China)
Environmental Protection Science