以同一立地条件下的胡杨(Populus euphratica)雌雄株为研究对象,研究胡杨雌雄株花芽分化至开花阶段生殖构件空间分布特征以及生殖枝与花芽养分含量动态变化规律。结果表明:1胡杨标准枝上生殖枝的数量均为树冠南侧>北侧,中层>下层>上层;雌雄株生殖枝上花芽数量受垂直空间影响较小。2雌雄株生殖枝长度各层次间无显著差异;雄株生殖枝长和基径大小与花芽的长和宽均显著大于雌株;花芽长和宽均表现出T5(4月10日)>T4(3月10日)>T3(2月10日)>T2(1月10日)>T1(12月10日)。3花芽养分N、P、K在T5时期均显著升高;生殖枝的P含量同样显著增加,但N、K含量出现小幅度降低,雌株尤为显著。4相关性分析显示,雌雄花芽长、宽均与花芽N、P、K含量呈显著正相关;且雌雄花芽中N、P、K含量两两间也均存在极显著正相关;另外,雌花芽P含量与生殖枝K含量呈显著负相关;而雄花芽P、K含量与生殖枝P含量分别呈极显著、显著正相关。研究结论:胡杨生殖构件的数量分布和形态特征受到空间分布及植株性别的影响;花芽形态、花芽养分含量和生殖枝养分含量三者的变化存在密切的相关性。
The male and female plants of Populus euphratica in the same habitats were taken as the objects to study the spatiotemporal distribution of reproductive shoots and the dynamic change of nutrient contents in flower buds. The results are as follows: 1 The number of reproductive shoots was in orders of the south side of canopy north side and of central part of canopy lower part upper part. The influence of vertical space on the number of flower bubs on the shoots of both male and female plants was slight; 2 There was no significant difference of shoot length between the different parts of canopy of both male and female plants. The shoot length and basal diameter of reproductive shoots as well as the length and width of buds of male plants of P. euphratica were significantly higher than those of female ones. The length and width of flower buds were in an order of T5( April 10)〉 T4( March 10)〉 T3( February 10)〉 T2( January 10)〉 T1( December 10); 3 The N,P and K contents of flower bubs increased significantly in T5 period compared with those in the previous periods. The P content of reproductive shoots also increased significantly,but the P and K contents decreased slightly,especially those of female plants; 4 There were the significant positive correlations between the length and width of flower buds and their N,P and K contents. There were also the extremely significant positive correlations among the N,P and K contents of male and female plants. There was a significant negative correlation between the P content of flower buds and the K content of reproductive shoots of female plant,but an extremely significant or significant positive correlation between the P and K contents of flower buds and the P content of reproductive shoots of male plant. The distribution number of reproductive shoots and their morphological characteristics of P. euphratica were affected by the spatial distribution and gender of plants.There were the close correlations among the morphology and nutrient contents of
Arid Zone Research