
从“结构”到“文化”的演进:布鲁纳教育研究范式转换及其当代意义 被引量:12

Transformation from Structure to Culture:The Paradigm shift of J.S.Bruner's Education Research and Its Implications
摘要 教育学与心理学在整个20世纪呈现出错综复杂的交互关系:20世纪初心理学家转向教育研究,历经从行为主义到认知主义的变迁,以及认知革命从"结构"到"计算"的路径更替。虽在短时间内极大提升了教育学的科学化水平与学科地位,但也为本应充满人文关怀的教育与心理研究留下了"个体主义"与"唯我论"两大麻烦,由此导致理论研究与实践探索彼此割裂的历史困局。在这一宏观历史背景下,集心理学家与教育学家于一身的布鲁纳,先是作为认知心理学家引领了20世纪60年代心理学领域的认知革命,而后以认知心理学家的身份转向教育研究,把基于认知心理学构建的教育理论推向实践,最后又从教育实践返回到教育理论,通过"叙事转向"中对教育本质的重新界定,扬弃了自己早期基于心理学构建起来的教育理论,开创了教育研究的文化新取向,为推动教育与心理研究中"科学"与"人文"两种文化的融合开辟了新道路。沿着布鲁纳从"结构"到"文化"学术思想的演进路径,未来我们应树立起兼容并包的广义科学观,重塑教育与心理研究的学科文化,并建立起基于复杂性科学的教育与心理研究方法学机制。 In this article, along with the transformation of structure to culture, the authors explore thedevelopment of J.S. Bruner’s academic ideas in the fields of psychology and education which happened in thecontext of interaction between the two fields. They argue that, beginning with psychologists’ turn to education studyin the early 20 th century, the shift from behaviorism to cognitivism and the evolution of cognitive revolution fromstructure to computation improved the scientific level of education research, meanwhile imposed two troubleheritages, individualism and solipsism, on psychology and education which should be human-cared, and isolatedthe intellectual efforts from practice. J. S. Bruner, a psychologist and an educationist, led the cognitive revolution inpsychology in 1960 s, and then transferred the education theory which is based on cognitive psychology intoeducation practice by turning to education research. In 1980 s, J. S. Bruner turned back to intellectual word frompractice, and redefined the nature of education to develop the cultural narrative approach to education study. Hisefforts provided the intellectual foundation for successors to break the two titular cultures in education andpsychology, namely the sciences and the humanities. They argue the lessons that we can learn from J. S. Brunerinclude: not only should we establish all-inclusive generalized science, but we can reshape interdisciplinary subjectculture and build methodology mechanism of educational psychology research which was based on complexityscience.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2017年第1期36-42,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
关键词 布鲁纳 结构主义 计算主义 认知主义 文化转向 范式转换 当代意义 J.S.Bruner,Structuralism Computationalism Culture Turn Paradigm Shift Contemporary Significance
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