The excessive emphasis on knowledge and academism in new poetry teaching at college has led to the negation of poetic wisdom, thus having reduced the role of new poetry in the cultivation of students' personality and sense of worth. In the perspective of students' reading and acceptance, new poetry has its following unique quality and value: firstly, new poetry can provide a way to understand the world, history and reality in an artistic manner; secondly, new poetry can truly reveal modern Chinese intellectuals' personality, soul and spiritual journey ; and finally, new poetry can fully reflect the artistic spirit of imagination, freedom, and creation. To improve the teaching of new poetry at college, what is most important is to return to poems and to take reading and sentiment seriously; secondly, efforts must be made to advance effective theories and methods as to poetry reading and interpretation, and thirdly, pains must be taken to improve the system and the milieu of new poetry teaching.
Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
new poetry
new poetry teaching at college
poetic education tradition