

The study of IgY variation rules after immunization with CDV, CAV inactivated vaccine
摘要 利用犬瘟热商品疫苗和狐狸脑炎商品疫苗分别免疫开产蛋鸭,三免后收集高免鸭蛋,用水稀释法和硫酸铵两步沉淀法提纯卵黄抗体。采用SDS-PAGE检测鸭源Ig Y浓度,中和试验和HA-HI试验测定相应效价。结果表明,水溶法制备的卵黄抗体浓度为6.33 mg/m L,得率为60%-70%。免疫CDV疫苗组和CAV疫苗组可以很快产生特异性抗体。在30-60 d内,卵黄抗体效价极高;在60-120 d内,卵黄抗体效价维持较高水平;在120-180 d内,效价趋近于零。 The commercial Fox Encephalitis Vaccine and canine distemper vaccine were immunized with new laying ducks. After immuned 3 times, we collected the eggs to extract Ig Y with Water dilution method and ammonium sulfate two step precipitation method. SDS-PAGE was used to detect the Ig Y concentration of the eggs, and the corresponding titer was determined by neutralization test and HA-HI test.The results showed that the concentration of Ig Y prepared by the water solution method was 6.33 mg/m L, and the yield was 60%-70%. Immunization of the CDV vaccine group and the CAV vaccine group can produce specific antibodies very soon. Within 30-60 days, the Ig Y titer was very high. In 60-120 days, the yolk antibody titer remained high. Within 120-180 days, the titer was close to 0.
作者 张岩彬
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2016年第12期39-43,共5页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 犬瘟热病毒 狐狸脑炎病毒 卵黄抗体 消长规律 Canine distempervirus Canine adenovirus Immunoglobulin of yolk Variation rules
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