为探寻不同绿地分布形态对城市热环境的改善效果及差异,结合遥感技术和CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)数值模拟方法,对城市中五类常见的绿地布局形式的温度场进行数值模拟。利用遥感影像以及LIDAR数据建立三维模型,并通过实地测量温度值对ENVI-met软件模拟结果的真实性做了检验,得到在不同高度上不同绿地分布形态的温度场模拟结果。实验结果表明:将CFD技术引入城市热环境研究这一思路是可行的,根据典型绿地分布形态的热环境模拟分析,不同分布形态在不同高度上具有不同的降温效果。地表处点状分布效果最好,2 m处楔状分布效果最好,而在10m左右的高空条带状的降温效果最好。
Understanding the link between greenspace patterns and land surface temperature is very impor- tant for mitigating the impact of urbanization on Urban Heat Island (UHI) and also useful for profession- als and decision-makers during the design phase of urban planning.Previous most researches were conduc- ted to examine the cooling effects of greenspace amount, composition and configuration (spatial arrange- ment).Few have examined the cooling effects of spatial layout of greenspace (referring to space combina- tion form of greenspace).Five scenarios of greenspace patterns are selected to examine them how to affect the horizontal and vertical distribution of the temperature coupling remote sensing data with a Computa- tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model(ENVI-met rnodel).The simulation results demonstrate that zonal pat- tern always has the best cooling effect;dotted pattern has the best cooling effect on local ambient tempera- ture. The temperature distributions have many similarities between radial and wedge patterns, which can become the "cold source" of urban thermal environment and play an important role in the improvement of the urban ecological environment.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application