Ojeive: o exploe he ppliion effe of linil nuing phwy in epioy funion exeie fe eophgel ne opeion.Mehod: ol of 64 eophgel ne pien in ou hopil fom Ooe 2013 o Deeme 2015 wee eleed.oding o he ode of dmiion, he pien wee divided ino he udy goup nd he onol goup, 32 e in eh goup.lood oxygen uion, epioy e, he e, pulmony funion nd quliy of life oe of wo goup efoe nd fe nuing e, nd he inidene e of ompliion of wo goup wee iilly nlyzed.eul: efoe nuing, lood oxygen uion, epioy e, he e, foed expioy volume in he fi eond, mximl voluny venilion, vil piy, quliy of life oe of wo goup, he diffeene wee no iilly ignifin (P〉0.05), fe nuing inevenion, indexe of wo goup wee hnged, nd he udy goup wee ignifinly ee hn hoe of he onol goup, he diffeene wee iilly ignifin ( P〈0.05 ) .he inidene e of ompliion of he udy goup ( 21.88% ) w highe hn h of he onol goup ( 46.88% ), nd he diffeene w iilly ignifin (P〈0.05) .onluion: linil nuing phwy fo pien wih eophgel ne n effeively impove he epioy funion, minin he he e nd o on le level, edue he inidene of ompliion, impove he quliy of life.
Medical Innovation of China
Clinical nursing pathway
Esophageal cancer
Respiratory function exercise