The bourgeois class defines freedom abstractly as one that is confined to personal will or self consciousness,that is absolute and is rooted in 'the natural human nature,''reason'or 'natural human right,'and that is related to the absolute control formed in the private ownership of property. The materialist view of history by Marx understands the meaning and content of freedom according to material conditions and revolutionary practice of human kind. For Marx,freedom is a historical activity and process of self liberation of human being that moves beyond the restrictions of their objective material and historical conditions and beyond the shackles of various relations. It is based on the establishment and improvement of social economic relations with public ownership at the core. As the recognition of necessity and the transformation of the objective world,freedom is predicted on the establishment and improvement of the relationship of production characteristic of equal access to the means of production,and on the elimination of class and the development of the subjectivity of social consciousness.
Studies on Marxism