在实际的建筑光伏一体化设计中,引入国际先进的ECOTECT可持续建筑设计及分析工具。以青海省鲁能共和20 MWp并网光伏发电项目管理区内监控楼BIPV屋顶方案设计为例进行探讨研究,着重对太阳辐射、朝向位置、采光系数等影响因素进行分析,并将其进行统筹优化,进而为建筑光伏一体化设计提供相应的参数依据。
In BIPV design, the advanced ECOTECT sustainable architectural design and analyzing tools are introduced. With the design of BIPV roof of the control building in 20 MWp grid-connected PV power plant in Qinghai Province as example, factors such as the solar radiation, direction and solar collection coefficient, etc are analyzed and further optimized generally so as to provide BIPV design with parameter reference.
Northwest Hydropower