
美国应付“七·七”事变的对策 被引量:1

The United States's Countermeasures to Deal With “July 7th Incident”
摘要 "七·七"事变发生后,美国采取的对策是:第一,对中日冲突持不干预态度,避免卷入。具体表现在不分青红皂白,对中日双方同等指责;热衷于发表不痛不痒的"道义"声明;让美国驻华大使滞留北平,观察形势的发展,不要赶赴南京;拒绝中国政府调停和根据《九国公约》采取行动的要求;拒绝与英国采取联合行动;拒绝推动国联采取援华制日行动;不对中国贷款;不对中日实施《中立法》,禁止美国政府船只向中日运送军火。第二,高度重视保护在华美国侨民的生命和财产安全。美国的应对举措产生了消极和积极的两个方面的影响。 After the "July 7th Incident" occurred, measures taken by the United States are: First, it held non-intervention approach the Sino-Japanese conflict, avoiding getting involved,specifically in the indiscriminate white on two sides with equal blame; keen to leave a perfunctory "moral" statement; the US ambassador stayed in Peking, observing the development of the situation, not rushing to Nanjing; the United States rejected the Chinese Government's mediation request and refused to take actions according to the Nine---Power Treat ; refused to take joint action with Britain; refused aid to China to pro- mote the League of Nations to take action to help China and have sanctions against Japan; it did not give China loans; It did not implement the law of neutrality to China and Japan.It prohibited the US government's ships to transport arms to China and Japan.Second,It attached great importance to the protection of life and property in China and her nationals, the United States's countermeasures have had an impact with both negative and positive aspects.
作者 张北根 Zhang Beigen
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期145-155,共11页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 “七·七”事变 美国 避免卷入 蒋介石 "July 7th Incident" the United States Non-intervention Chiang Kai Shek
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