
陈普德喉咳汤治疗喉源性咳嗽 被引量:7

CHEN Pude(陈普德) Using Laryngeal Cough Potions to Treat Laryngeal Cough
摘要 陈普德主任认为热、痰、虚、瘀乃喉源性咳嗽主要致病因素;提出"清热化痰、利咽止咳、养阴散结",自拟喉咳汤药,玄参15g,射干、马勃、黄芩各10g,葶苈子15g,桔梗10g,苦杏仁15g,生石膏10g,麻黄炙6g,浙贝母15g,枇杷叶10g,甘草生3g。玄参、射干、马勃、桔梗、黄芩清热养阴利咽;葶苈子、桔梗一升一降,泻肺利咽;苦杏仁、石膏、麻黄、百部宣肺止咳,浙贝母、批杷叶化痰降逆止咳;甘草调和诸药。病初恶寒加防风、荆芥橞;风热重加金银花、连翘、薄荷;咽喉灼痛加黄连、栀子、生地、板蓝根;大便干结加大黄;痰热甚加胆南星;阴虚加玄参、麦冬、生地;口渴加天花粉;喉痒加蝉蜕;胸闷加瓜蒌皮;喘促加桑白皮;痰中带血加三七粉;咽喉滤泡增生加红花、赤芍、丹参。一方治多证,经验独特。附风热上壅、痰热上壅喉源性咳嗽验案。 Chief physician CHEN Pude thinks that throat joints lung and stomach. Heat, phlegm, deficiency and blood stasis are the main pathogenic factors of laryngeal cough. He puts forward that "clearing heat, reducing phlegm, relieving sore-throat and cough, nourishing yin and removing stasis are the basic treatment of laryngeal cough" , and based on the pathogenic factors and pathogenesis of the disease, chief physician Chen produced the self-made laryngeal cough potions with radix scrophulariae 15g, each log of puffball, radix scutellariae and rhizoma belamcandae, semen tepidii 15g, platycodon grandiflorum 10g, bitter almond 15g, plaster stone 10g, main ephedra 6g, zhejiang fritillary 15g, batch Ba leaves 10g and licorice 3g. Radix scrophulariae, rhizoma belamcandae, puffball, radix platycodi, radix scutellariae are used to clear heat, nourish Yin and relieve sore- throat. Semen lepidii, platycodon grandiflorum to purg lung and relieve sore-throat; Bitter almond, gypsum, ephedra, radix stemonae to ventilate the lung and arrest cough; zhejiang fritillary, batch Ba leaves to eliminate phlegm, downbear counterflow and suppress coughing; Licorice to reconcile the medicine. Modification based on the syndromes: evil at the beginning of disease adds radix sileris and herba schizonepetae lam; The wind thermogravimetrie appends honeysuckle, forsythia and mint; Throat burning pain adds rhizoma coptidis, gardenia, radix rehmanniae and radix isatidis; if stool is dry and hard, then adds rhubarb; phlegm heat adds bile nanxing; Yin deficiency adds radix scrophulariae, radix ophiopogonis add radix rehmanniae; Add radix trichosanthis if patients feel thirst; Throat itching adds cicada; Chest tightness adds snakegourd fruit peel; rapid respiration adds white mulberry palpitations; Blood in phlegm adds notoginseng powder; Throat follicular hyperplasia adds red flower, red paeony root and salvia mihiorrhiza. One prescription treats various syndromes with good curative effect and unique experience.
作者 程丽 陈普德
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第12期16-17,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 喉源性咳嗽 喉咳汤 清热化痰 利咽止咳 养阴散结 风热上壅 痰热上壅 陈普德 老中医经验 中医药治疗 laryngeal cough laryngeal cough potions clearing heat and reducing phlegm relieving sore- throat and cough nourishing Yin and removing stasis traditional Chinese medicine therapy.
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