针对各高等院校专业英语教学中词汇不规范的问题,文章以广州大学建筑环境与能源应用工程专业为例,对该专业所涉及的10门专业课程应掌握的英语词汇量,选用对应的国外知名英文原版教材或专著以及国内标准的英文版,对其进行统计、分析和筛选,最终选定1 056个单词和106个词组作为该专业的规范单词,并选定其中的295个单词作为核心单词,要求学生必须完全掌握。统计数据显示,学生在掌握了这些规范单词后,阅读有关专业课程所涉及的英文资料时,生词字数平均控制在3.59%之内。如果考虑到单词词性的延伸,绝对生词字数完全可以控制在3%之内,以达到不借助词典就能顺利阅读英文资料的目的。
To improve the situation where the comprehensive specialty English is not normative in college education, this paper examines 10 major courses from building environment and energy engineering specialty in Guangzhou University, and works out the number of specified necessary vocabulary for each course by giving consideration to both importance of the course and teaching requirements and class hours for specialty English course. Scrupulous statistics, analysis and selection on corresponding well-known foreign English original course books or monographs and domestic standards in English version are carried out, and then 1056 words and 106 phrases were chosen as the normative vocabulary, among which 295 words were chosen as the core vocabulary which students should fully master. Statistical result shows that, for students who have grasped the normative vocabulary, the average new words will be within 3.59% among the English articles corresponding to professional course; for students who can extend the part of speech, the absolute new words can be controlled within 3%, where students can read smoothly without a dictionary.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
building environment and energy engineering
specialty English
English teaching
normative words