Wave is a form of material existence, but also a unique form of material movement. Wave science studies classical waves and quantum waves, and these two can not be separated. For example,electromagnetic waves are not only the classical wave of the macrocosm, but also the waves associated with the microscopic world. That is reflected in the photon, which is a unique microscopic particle. In 1926, Schrodinger created the quantum wave mechanics,and the Sehrodinger equation became the basic equation that reflected the laws of motion in the quantum world. The complexity of the wave function in quantum mechanics comes from the complexity of the nonclassical wave. Photons are generally considered to be electromagnetic field quantaes, but photons should not be equated with electromagnetic waves. Such as the photon is also like electrons (wave nature has statistical properties), and the photon is not exactly the same as the classic electromagnetic wave ,so discussed"photon probability wave equation problem" is not wrong. So it is said that that photons have not their own proprietary wave function and wave equation, therefore photon strange properties can not be accurately represented and presented. An important content of the wave science is the self - consistent mathematical logic structure of electromagnetic wave. To this end, a mathematical method different from the classical mechanics (CM) was used, such as theory of vector operator and theory of generalized function. Newton' s classical mechanics and Einstein' s relativity mechanics are mainly for particles or objects, but the field and the wave is not a substance material. The method of operator operation and the concept of wave function space in quantum mechanics(QM) have great significance to the study of wave science,while modem electromagnetic field theory is very suitable for the analysis of wave science, can provide the basic vector equations of electro- magnetic waves, and conspicuously separates curl field and non- curl fields. The study
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology
wave sciences
wave mechanics
classical waves
quantum waves
electromagnetic waves
gravitational waves