传统的逻辑编程方法在PLC编程中,由于语句多,前后相兼顾,逻辑关系强,在一般的工程应用时,存在编程难度大,不易调整等问题。三菱公司FX2n系列PLC独特的SFC编程方法 ,因其便捷、易懂、实用性强的特点,受到越来越多的工程技术人员的欢迎。本文以运料小车为例,详细介绍SFC编程方法的应用。
Because of more programming sentences both before and after and logical relationship, in general engineering, traditional logic programming method has many problems, such as more progeramming difficulty, difficult to adjust and so on. Because of features of convenience, easy to understand and strong practicality, the special SFC programming method of FX2n of Mitsubishi Co. is more and more popular among engineers and technicians. As the example of a small transport car, this thsis explains the application of SFC programming method in detail.
Techniques of Automation and Applications