针对传统大学计算机实验课程教学模式的问题及弊端,在分析计算思维教学理念及MOOC(Massive Open Online Course)的特点及优势的基础上,提出借助MOOC的翻转教学模式的优势促进教学改革。构建了以计算思维为导向的计算机实验教学体系及教学模式,并以《计算机程序设计实验》课程教学案例设计为例,实践了以计算思维培养为导向的教学模式,教学效果证实该教学模式使教学改革取得了较好的效果。
According to the problems and shortcomings of the traditional university computer experimental teaching, and based on analysis of the influence on higher by the education computer thinking teaching idea and the development of MOOC. A new reform mode that uses the Flipped Classroom advantage of MOOC is proposed. The teaching system and the teaching mode that guides by computational thinking are built. And the new teaching mode has been practiced by the course of C Language Program Design. Good result has been achieved and proved by the exam score of the students.
Techniques of Automation and Applications