从玉米植株的茎基部叶鞘分离得到枯草芽孢杆菌菌株(Bacillus subtilis BS-8D)。田间小区防病试验结果表明,该菌株对玉米纹枯病有较好的防效。采用抗利福平标记突变菌株BS-8Drif测定其定殖能力,结果显示该菌株在玉米叶鞘上有较好的定殖能力,施用10 d后仍能保持较高密度。对BS-8D菌株拮抗机理研究发现,菌株无菌培养液能抑制玉米纹枯病菌(Rhizoctoia solani)核萌发和菌丝生长。
Antagonistic agents of Bacillus subtilis BS-8D was isolated from the sheaths and rhizosphere of corn. The results showed that the strain BS-8D could control effectively corn sheath blight caused by the Rhizoctonia solani in field. BS-8D could colonize, propagate and remain high population at sheaths for more than ten days. The highest colonizing level was reached on 10 th day after inoculation. The mechanism study of BS-8 d antagonism showed that the culture filtrate from BS-8D had a strong inhibiting activity against Rhizoctoia solani sclerotium germination and the growth of mycelia.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences