随着智能移动终端的不断发展和广泛应用,本文设计了基于Spring MVC框架的能实现移动端操作的数字迎新系统。此系统改变了传统繁琐的报到流程,学生可以在网上或者手机等移动终端进行预报到,足不出户就可一次办理完善个人信息、申请绿色通道、网上缴纳学杂费、网上选购生活用品及军训服装、登记抵校信息、查看我的同学以及打印报到单等,真正使新生及家长体验到"一站式"服务,各种报表统计极大地提高学校迎新管理的效率和服务水平。
As the continuous developments and wide applications of the smart mobile terminals, this paper studied and designed a digital orientation system. The system changes the traditional cumbersome register process. Using the system, students can pre-reg- ister on the internet or mobile terminals like mobile phones. Works such as personal information perfection, green channel applica- tion, tuition and fees payment, voluntary purchases on articles of daily use and uniform for military training, information registration of arriving at the university, classmates check, registration sheet print and so on can be done all at once without leaving home. The system can really help new students and their parents experiencing "one- stop" services. And all kinds of statistics reports can im- prove the efficiency and service level of orientation management greatly.
Hu Liping Hu Shengyong(Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanehang 330013, Jiangxi Cyber Security Department of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Nanchang 330038, Jiangxi)
Computer & Telecommunication