
中国麻阳河国家级自然保护区黑叶猴种群数量估计与分布 被引量:12

Population Estimates and Distribution of Fran?ois′ Langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi) in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, China
摘要 2012年10月至2015年5月,对中国贵州省麻阳河国家级自然保护区黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)的种群数量和分布进行了调查研究。本次调查采用了直接观察猴群计数、夜宿地观察、问卷调查和访问、未出版资料及文献补充4种调查方法。结果表明,麻阳河国家级自然保护区及周边共有黑叶猴72群(含保护区外2群)。基于直接计数的25个猴群,计算猴群平均大小为(7.7±2.9)只,并以此计算保护区及周边黑叶猴数量为554只。其中,凉桥片区共有41群,315只;龚溪口片区共有16群,123只;务川片区共有15群,116只。调查发现保护区黑叶猴的分布基本以麻阳河、洪渡河及其支流兰子河为中轴,以箱状河谷的峭壁上和河岸附近的植被区作为主要活动范围。67群猴群发现点位于离河流中轴线缓冲距1 500 m区域以内,占总群数的93.1%。因此,为了确保该物种的生存以及缓解当地人猴冲突,建议重点加强对河流两岸栖息地的保护管理和自然植被恢复,尤其在人口稠密区更为必要。 From October 2012 to May 2015, we surveyed the population of Francois′ Langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi) in and nearby Mayanghe National Nature Reserve in Guizhou Province, China. Our methodologies included direct counting of langur groups and individuals along rivers and roads and at their sleeping sites, survey of local people through questionnaires and interviews, as well as the incorporation of published and unpublished data. We located a total of 72 langur groups (including 2 groups outside of the nature reserve) including 47 groups confirmed by direct counts, 8 groups by sleeping sites observations, 9 groups by questionnaires and interviews of local people with sleeping sites observations, and 8 groups incorporated from published and unpublished data. Based on a mean group size of 7.7 ± 2.9 individuals (n = 25), we estimated the langur population at Mayanghe Reserve to be approximately 554 individuals. Specifically, 41 groups (315 individuals) were found in Liangqiao area, 16 groups (123 individuals) in Gongxikou area and 15 groups (116 individuals) in Wuchuan area. The Francois langurs were recorded at the mid to downstream of the Mayanghe River area, Juchishan area, Lanzihe area, Hongduhe in Gongxikou area, north Wuchuan area, south Wuchuan area and a few places such as Chanxihe, Anxi, Liangqiao, and Yintongzi. Comparing this current study to the previous one (1988﹣1989), the number of groups varied from 12 to 14﹣18 at the mid to downstream of Mayanghe River area, 10 to 9﹣13 at Lanzihe area, and 16 to 8﹣11 at Juchishan area. The main distribution area of Francois′ langurs was along three major rivers: Mayanghe River, Hongdu River and Lanzi River; especially along river banks and on cliffs where vegetation occurred. Furthermore, the majority of our sightings (67 group records or 93.1%) fell within a 1 500 m radius from the center of the nearest rivers or tributaries. Thus, to ensure the species survival in Mayanghe Reserve and to reduce human-langur conflict,
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期925-938,共14页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 贵州省林业厅麻阳河国家级自然保护区第二次综合考察项目 贵州省林业厅科研项目(黔林科合J字[2014]07号) 国家林业局自然保护区能力建设项目
关键词 黑叶猴 种群数量估计 分布 麻阳河国家级自然保护区 Frangois' Langurs, Trachypithecus francoisi Population estimate Distribution Mayanghe National Nature Reserve
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